Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Weekend damage

Ruined myself on weekend. Too brain dead tired and depressed to post properly. Have bad 'cold'. Hallucinating on Monday night. Fever, sore throat, glands up and never ending cough. Can only do bullets.

* PsychoPat emailed me. "Realised about 6 weeks ago that I'm over it. Just sort of clicked." - it's only been 2 and a half years!!!

* Last Tuesday - amazingly good night out with Kevin and his friend. Saw a band called the Pipettes, which are like the Shangrilas. Get along with the guy so well. He's funny, nice and smart.

* Wednesday - date with George. Quite nice, good chat. Saturday - went to art gallery with George. Also nice, discussion about existentialism in Norwegian art. Taking things slowly. Think he may have had a fling in Scotland but trying to trust him.

* Monday - hallucincations and fever. LEft work, lay on couch and hallucinated I was drowning in sea, being pulled out in that rip like I was when I was 18. Think I may have thrashed around.

* Wednesday - had job interview. Still very woozy and sick and feverish. Hoping they take illness into account. It was like the job interview scene in Trainspotting.

* Miss home. Miss sunny climes, and less illness.

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