Friday, November 11, 2005

Hangover and an interview. Great!

Bloody hell. Last night was a bit out of control.

Today I ate my way through a hangover as I repressed memories of the night before. Had a good time, I think. Realising got some very decent people at work.

The party theme was Folies Bergere, Moulin Rouge, French cabaret. Editorial (me) had to come up with witty name tags for clients. I thought up a few, including ‘absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.’

I met the guy that was wearing that tag.

Him: What do you do?
Me: Well, I work in editorial creative. I came up with your name badge, for instance.
Him: Yeah. I don't get it.
Me: Well, it's a bit of a pun, playing on the idea of Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it’s Absinthe because it's a French Folies Bergere themed event.
Him: Sure, sure. But it's so long. Couldn't you make it shorter?
Me: But then it wouldn’t make sense. It wouldn’t be witty and would lose its meaning.
Him: Right. But couldn’t you keep the pun but make it, I don’t know, [I swear to God he actually said this next word] jazzier.
Me: You, sir, are a cretin. You represent everything that I hate about my job. I curse you.

Ok, I didn’t say that last bit, but I thought it. Instead I made an excuse and left.

other highlights:

Got engaged to Irish guy that wants my visa, and i wanted his. Turns out one of the girls i work with has a bit of corsetry and slight goth leanings. Nice chat to emilio, half south african half gypsy. interesting cat. speaks spanish so good to practice with!

Met Kevin's cool house mates, but had a major fall out with one guy, Loz. Quite liked him at first, except that he said ‘you Aussies always…’ and dissed Aussie sportsmen every five minutes.

Danced on my sore foot. Got manhandles by arrogant journo. 'you are the client, you have to keep the media happy' as he sleazed all over me. So that's what it's like to work in PR. Poor George.

Found Kev looking lecherously at a real minger, and I made some comment that he should look at her face. Nice body, but she was in her late 40s and not blessed in the looks department. He was eyeing her up because she was with this fat guy that was rubbing himself all over her. Kev drunkenly figured she deserved someone better than him, therefore it should be Kev. I tried to dissuade him.

Told Loz about it, and he accused me of liking Kev. Sure, I did, but I'm not after a boyfriend and want a friend. Beside, I would warn anyone away from getting frisky with ugly when blinded by beer goggles. Tried to defend self, but Loz made ‘wooo’ noises over the top of me, didn’t listen and kept making innuendoes. Don’t remember much of the details, but I got extremely cross, and then started crying, which surprised all of us. It was just at the drunken depressive point when I was trying to get away from the conversations because I was missing George and feeling a bit crap about myself, basically. Tragic drunk escapades.

He was all concern after that and said he wanted to come to Brian Jonestown Masacre with me and that he liked talking to me. But think I made a fool of myself.

Of course, the stinger is I do kinda like the guy, but I'm not interested in getting attached. And I know it wouldn't work. It's just an attraction.

Got call from Kev, we all jumped in a cab. Kev rested with his head on my shoulder and I was thrilled about it. his hand brushed my thighs too and he asked me back to his place about 5 times. But I didn't let anything else happen and I went home like a good girl. He-tox working excellently!

Day 4 cont.

Last email of the day from him had me in a mood all day. 'I miss you, but I know it wouldn't work. Doesn't make it any easier.'

Day 5

Been strong all day. Possibly because stunned by awesome might of super hangover.

Kev and I have been talking about monkeys fighting robots. He made a cool picture.

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