Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The secret to feeling bling

Last week Kev dumped a girl via text message. We were all outraged. Doesn't matter whether he's only been seeing her for a few days, or that he may not ever see her again, it's a matter of decency. As revenge Roz and I cooked up a plan to dump him today in a prerelationship, preemptive dump. 'Sorry, I know you are uncontrollably attracted to me, but I don't see it working out because frankly you're a bit silly.'

Meanwhile G has turned the head of his 45 year-old client, who made some comment about wanting to be 'in the presence of George' and called him 'georgeous'. Work it, baby! Whatever gets you headlines.

Feeling decidedly un-glam this morning. Didn't sleep at home, so wasn't close to my shoe collection and girly cleansers, still got a lurgy cough, work is up to buggery, wearing the same clothes. Yet I can't stop grinning! What a great night of food, conversation, wine, couch wrestling and 90's Isreali drum 'n' bass.

Also happy because after many weeks of silence I had an influx of news from home. 30 mins call to sister, and an email from Mr T and Iain. Was starting to feel like I had no friends in Oz anymore and facing a pretty grim, cold Christmas.

Another big reason to be positive: it's been more than a month since I read the ex's blog - around the time that I emailed him and it freaked him out because he misinterpreted it and then i got defensive 'what's wrong if i had said that?' yada yada yada, and so it disintegrates. I'm quite proud of the self-discipline. It gets tempting, not because I'm interested, but because it's one of my only windows into Sydney life. Frankly, I didn't like the view. That sounds harsh, guess what I mean is I'm more interested in hearing about my old friends - Timbo, Claire, Marnie etc. Besides, I feel better about things and him when I don't read it. Of course that last misunderstanding jarred me a bit last week when I was all flu-ridden and feeling like a big lump of mucous but i shouldn't beat myself up for getting blue. It happens to us all.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about G's theory that change is better instigated from the bottom up, than the top down. I think i've always imposed change on myself by radically changing something big - my appearance, my house, my country. Like the girl that gets her haircut when she gets dumped, i've always gone in for big change without much thought. Organic growth, as opposed to forced dictating, has a more long lasting effect. Will post more on this later once I've thought it through, but it's interesting.

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