Monday, November 28, 2005

Cocaine in a tube

Here's a tribute to Natalie Dee and her comic stylin'. Love this one because it's what I always see when I look at the globe. South America says 'come here'.

In a better mood today. Had pro-active weekend house hunting and found 2 new possibilities. Looking forward to a change of scene, preferably with a better soundtrack. Also had a great chat to Lisa. Miss her so much.

Stupid email banter with Emilio gypsy.

E: To be honest I don’t we really spoke at the client party.

Me: Yes we did. You told me about your dad and being part gypsy. But I was too hammered, and then I got on to that Eskimo.

E: Oh, it’s all coming back to me now.

Me: Yeah, you were shooting MDMA into your eye so I’m not surprised the night is a little hazy.

E: Hope I didn’t make a fool of myself regarding the whole MDMA thing. Its something I’ve only recently been getting into. I’m trying heroin next – what fun.

Me: Scag head. Me, I prefer injecting the ground up bones of endangered animals.

E: Phew. That’s pretty intense. You’d like this FIGHT CLUB quote – “I’d like to put a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn’t screw to save it’s own species”

Me: Wow. That’s so weird! I am going to have Panda steak for lunch!

E: Smothered in freshly clubbed baby seal juice? Enjoy. I’m having the supermodel lunch of cocaine, nicotine and coffee. I’m all out of one of the three though.

Me: Sainsburys sell all 3 in an easy to squeeze tube now.

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