Thursday, November 10, 2005

Marketing guff - or reasons I hate my job

Here is a beautiful bit of marketing guff, my favourite for the week:

“When a Reggiani lighting device illuminates something, you see outlines, materials, and colours that other lights fail to reveal: you witness a revelation, you see objects appear forthrightly, you behold their extreme vividness.”

Unlike MS. This is the lovely letter Microsoft sent us after their launch. Is it possible to join someone's momentum? Can a place pulse with excitement? Is Microsoft really filled with frustrated 'rockstars'? Don't have the capability or the heart to increase the font size in its original style, and therefore do it justice, but you get the picture.

We rocked the house in San Francisco. Moscone pulsed with excitement, the many partners I talked to wanted to find for every way possible to join our momentum, and we’ve seen some tremendous press coverage. In addition to Andy’s glowing comments on UK below I’ve also heard from Adam that we rocked in Iceland. We’ll send more details on all these and other early launches in the next couple days.

We’ve built a set of customer evidence with depth and breadth unmatched in Microsoft history, we’ll reach more customers in the coming weeks than any other server launch, we’ve built customer excitement and anticipation to a fever pitch, our global ad campaign (which we kicked off yesterday) sets a new record for engagement and perception change, and we simply have a tremendous story to tell.

We are off and running – let’s kick some butt together in the coming weeks! And then let’s go out and sell a LOT of SQL Server!!


Congratulations on an amazing launch. I know that in many respects, this is the beginning of launches round the world, but it such a tremendous milesone, I wanted to say congratulations and well done to an awesome team!!!!!!! You proved that you were READY to step up to the plate and make this the largest every launch for server and tools (2005 events to over 190k people, over 1000 SQL ISVs, over 250 VSIP partners, web casts, web content, learning content, … the list is too long!!!).

Here in the UK, the press and customer reaction has been great (with their big events starting tomorrow). I LOVE the customer evidence. I LOVE the partner breadth and depth. I LOVE the initial PR / analysts comments. I LOVED the event today in SF.

As I said YOU are ROCKSTARS!!!

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