Saturday, November 05, 2005

Suddenly Single

Ended it again with George this morning. Quite suddenly too. We've had the same fight everytime we've seen each other, he started playing the stay the night and flee in the morning game. Told me he loves me last night, this morning i made him some tea and he announced the spark has gone but he still loves me. that it was hard for him, to feel this for me...that it was hard for him to be in a relationship, and he'd never been in a serious one before. 'Not like you'.

Not interested in boys that run from emotions or can't stay past the honeymoon period. I deserve a man that isn't afraid of how he feels and knows what he wants, and will do anything to take it.

As G gave me his 'think i'm going to go' speech, I told him not to come back. He said he didn't want to end it, but he didn't know what he wanted. Said he needed to think. He had doubts. He thinks the fault is not with us, but with the relationship. He left.

Was angry more than hurt (and not that surprised). Just feel like I keep meeting the same type of guy.

Trying to book a holiday to Marrakesh for xmas, but it's fiendishly expensive. Looks like an orphan xmas in London for me. And a cold one too...

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