Wednesday, September 14, 2005


George was back last night with tales of gorging on rich French foods, gazing at Vermeer and other fine art, and playing loads of sport in a Chateaux on the south of France. Jealous? Absolutely. Seems he did miss me, and it wasn't just the booty. Chatting for a while I was reminded of the things I like about him. He talks about art. He knows what defenestrate means. He knows what a collective of priests is called (a pontification). He got chucked out of Oxford. It's a good story, so I let him tell it again.

Made some joke about all those Parisienne women, and he said 'The one thing you can do is trust me. When I say I do really like you, I do really like you. I did really miss you. And you're about to go away for like 9 years!'

For some strange reason my dear mate Iain thought it would be a good idea to send me some photos of my ex. Words fail me. Why? Why would you do that? It wasn't meant in any bad way, just innocent. Still, that's the photo of the one person in my home town that doesn't miss me or care if I come back or not.

Others do though, and that's nice. Looking forward to heading back. People keep asking if I would think about staying - John, Claire, Tim, Lisa, Philip, Dad, etc... It's going to be amazing to see them and hard saying goodbye all over again.

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