Thursday, September 08, 2005

London Underground

Paniccy feelings on the train this morning when guard announces that we are travelling slowly due to 'fires and fire alarms on the London to Waterloo line'. First thought 'Fuck, not again'. And the fear that surged through me was incredible. A msg on my phone, colleague's train stranded next to a field due to 'signalling problems in London Underground'. Fluttery heart as I dragged myself to the Tube.

On the day of the bombings the reason for the delay was 'a stalled escalator at Kings X'. That does not make sense. Went to Kings X the other day. Ground Zero. If you didn't know any better it would just be another beautiful old building covered in scaffolding.

Got a call from George last night. Nice that he called from his holiday. And here I was thinking that he wouldn't miss me - just because that's happened before.

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