Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Plate too full

News from home makes everything seem irrelevant. Lot's going on, but my mind is thousands of kilometres away. Here are the stories anyway.

Firstly, went for third and final interview this morning. Much more gruelling than the other 3. Not sure whether to take it. It's not journalism, it's still tech, work hard hours. Ad for the job featured blood on a page and a boast that employees work the longest hours than any other firm with a 'do you think you can handle it?' Mum said I shouldn't because I've already worked hard (blatantly not true - but gotta love mum's). But it's not journalism!!!

It is one of those strange morning where I stayed in this flat that was like a bland hotel, and got up early for this interview, while the fog was rolling in. There is something comforting, about being up really early, in an unfamiliar environment, dressed in a suit and dealing with strangers asking intimate questions, don't you think? I can't decide whether I want this job and to stay here, or to go home to Aus and my old career.

Secondly, had a messy fight with G on Sat. Not going to air the details, but it was intense and stupid. He is scared of how he feels and he lashed out at me. He chased me to the train station and and made a public - not very English - scene.

So we talked soberly on Sunday and I told him it was too much. I've got a sick mum, a possible new job, old sharking mate getting married, friends much changed, and dealing with some emotional admin. Going home to say goodbye to my mother country for a while, and that's hard. Need time out to think about where I've been, where I'm going. I don't think I will know until I'm home where I belong. He has chilled out and given me some space.

Feel like I'm in some strange limbo land. Just to increase the ambience, it's foggy today.

Music - Elliott Smith. Weight - a healthier 52 kilos but feel dumpy because women are thickening. Wine - delicious Bordeaux from France and lots of it. Oh and Ketamine.

Highlight - OC entertained us all with an impromptu air guitar solo to GnR today.

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