Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Heartbreaking work of Staggering Genius

Over the weekend my life was delivered in a box to my sisters. Claire romantically called it the 'box of broken dreams'. Actually it's only 'odds and ends'. Same difference, right?

I've been dealing with the break-up now four months. It still hits me hard sometimes. At the centre of the pain is dissonance: He was distant, unsupportive at times and cynical towards others. But I miss him sometimes. He writes a blog that my masochistic self sometimes checks. The enigmatic comments make no sense to me, and of course make no reference to me. His life is different now. Who is he? Who the fuck is he?

Hey, we've all got to find ourselves, I suppose.

Learnt a new term today: ChickLit. I thought it was some kind of food, from the Deep South. Nope, it's Sex+ Single Girl+ City literature. So I guess I'm both the target market and a bit of a chicklitter. How awful! Just think that Bridget and Carrie are over and the whole genre is stale. I don't want to be immortalised, warts and all. It's like shopping at Evans, eating ice cream, watching Desparate Housewive, reading Vogue. What about books about the emotional constipation of men instead? Football, beer, danky strip clubs and going bald.

I have always been more into absurd lit. That's why I've decided to rekindle my love of Dave Eggers. His fiction:



And he started his own pirate store:


After a day of job hunting, between coughing fits, (I even applied for a gig at Al Jazeera) I hope that someone pens me a rejection letter as witty as this:

From: Dave Eggers
To: Mary Porter
Subject: Re: Volunteer Application

Dear Ms. Porter,
Thank you for applying for a volunteer position at 826 Valencia. Unfortunately, upon review of your application and some discussion with associates in the kitchen of a woman who has seventeen great-grandchildren, we learned some details of your past opinions that were, to say the very least, unsettling. To wit:

- In September of 1992, your Honors English teacher (now a friend of mine) confiscated a notebook from you, upon which was written "Moby Dick Sucks."

- In July of 2001, on an extremely obscure McSweeney's-fan message board which, at its height, boasted 6 members, all of whom were shut-ins, you stated the following: "I love Dave's writing, but his public persona is beginning to distract me from it. He should shut his big fat mouth and get back to that book about whales he keeps promising us."

- In May of 2002, you went on a date with Todd Pruzan, a very decent human being, and never returned his phone calls.

A person's character is shown by his or her actions. Through these actions, you have shown that you are a cynical, pessimistic person who seeks to tear down other writers and we at 826 Valencia would be doing our students a great disservice if we allowed an insincere, un-genuine, ironic teacher to guide them. Feel free to stop by for all your pirate supply needs, however.

Sincerely As Always,
Dave Eggers

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