Friday, September 02, 2005

Autistic or commitophobic?

Sigh, Mimi in NY is really spot on with her blog on The Autistic Male. Definitely have known one or two of these:

One must realize that The Commitment Phobe's fears center around the unattractive allure of a possible future life with his current partner spawning brats and passing over on a life of gay, carefree fucking with whatever vagina he encounters along life's fruitful path. The Autistic Male does not think in that great a depth. His is a primal and irrational fear, born out of instinctual and coded male behavior. ... It is a hidden psychological action he himself could not verbally identify. Reflex responses are highly repressed, so that in contrast to other forms of male, The Autistic Male simply... does not respond. ... The female's long and well practised speech detailing her plans for imminent marriage, the fusion of all assets and the production of two or more gurgling, mewing brats, will encounter little more than a polite cough, gaze fixed to the ceiling.

Sadly though, I've started to notice these traits in myself. Am I becoming a man? I certainly understand the simple workings of the male mind. Lately I have been fearful of being witness to sudden displays of emotional expression.

The weekend was a nice break. A day shopping with Steph. Her and Ry are moving in together. A big move. Went to see Crash. What a crap movie. Can Hollywood stop making films that tell Americans how to think. It's about race, gun laws, and stoopid LA. Every now and then actors step in to The Valley and do some kinda 'what it's like on the streets' type film.

Sunday nice long bike ride around Richmond Park, past all the pretty deer. Funny to have deer so close to my doorstop. Funnier still that I went the wrong way to get there and rode about 3kms, crossing the rail lines 3 times, only to find a shortcut on the way home through the public footpath. I live only 500m from this damn park!

Monday - oh wow, overnight it's winter. foggy, rains and floods. Yesterday 29.

But Ballmer has threatened to "f****** kill Google". Microsoft tries on ill-fitting rockstar image.

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