Sunday, September 11, 2005

¿Donde Se Fueron?

A little hung over and a little surly this morning. Haven't been arsed to blog. Hung over.

Went to some crapola Latino club last night with Mad dog. That place is latino by name only. They played Justin Timberlake for chrissake. Those girls didn't know how to make a mojito - and why don't they tell us that London pubs all serve double shots. On my arse after only 3 'flavoured cocktails'.

Everyone asked after G. Has it got to the stage that we're considered partners in crime? I don't want to be seen as a half. I don't like it when people look past me to the door: 'Where's G?'

He's in France. With other friends. Organised before we met. Yes, there are girls there. No, I don't know them. No, I'm not suspicious (If I was, I wouldn't tell you, Blake).

I don't know. Foul mood. Everyone says G is so great. The boys love him. King: 'You're on to a good wicket there'. Mad dog: 'He's so nice. The nicest guy I've seen you with' (that being 2 guys, one he never spoke to).

Yes, yes. He's nice. But none of them witnessed the conversation killer on the plane to Turkey where he 'fessed the biggest regret about his last relationship was that she was into girls but he never got to have a 3some. "So, are you into girls?" Just asks real casual while we're on a plane with hundreds of strangers and we're about to spend a whole week together. Wonders why I fall into icy sulk and pretend to sleep. First of all, the timing couldn't be worse. Later he apologised. Said it was the withdrawals from tobacco.

Maybe I'm just being bitchy because I'm hung over. I always hold such grudges about these things from moons ago. Probably because he sent me a crude text message while away. I'm a 'notice my mind, notice my heart' type person. He hasn't got passed the booty. Guess there is nothing wrong with being interested in that only, but it is wrong to fool yourself into thinking the attraction is anything more than that. And that's what he seems to be doing. I don't know how to manage expectations. His or mine.

Bah, I'm being a bitch. Need some more sleep.

Actually - come to think of it - I sent a txt msg to cute work guy last night. And he replied! Don't remember the conversation. Think I told him I was at a horrible place and hoped he was drunk somewhere. Do remember being happy that he replied! No, I don't want anything more than friendship with office crush guy now, because even if i was single, I see his many faults. But I would treasure having a cool friend right now.

Oh-It's the anniversary of Sept 11. Four years ago I was counting stars lucky that I didn't get that trip to New York after all. Two years ago I was in San Francisco for conference. I was going out with a gorgeous guy and missing him like crazy. There was a bomb scare in the convention centre. I was scared I'd never see him again. Seems this bomb scare and missing him stuff is not such unfamiliar territory.

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