Friday, August 19, 2005

You think you're having a bad day

This makes me feel a little better for my run of bad luck.

Paul: Hello,I would have joined the conversation earlier but have just been held responsible for closing the waterloo&city line after i left my laptop on there. The driver thought it was a bomb and called in the police and stuff. They werent happy with me when I turned up to get it back. Ooops.

Paul: I feel a bit crap about it. And they gad a real go at me. > Felt like I was getting told off at school.

Kev: You're lucky they didn't blow it up and shoot you in the head. >

Paul: Yeah I know. Idve probably been charged for the laptop by MB too. >

Kev: How long did they close the line for?

Paul: 20 mins. They were livid. Thought I was going to get lynched>

Kev: Did they give you are warning or anything?>

Paul: Nah, just a shouting, which I probably deserved. >

Kev: Can you remember any choice phrases they used? >

Paul: In fact it was "you f*cking t1t" >

Kev: Really! They called you a f*ckin t1t? I've been laughing about this for about 2 hours now and it keeps getting better

Paul: I saw a guy and asked if the line was suspended he said yes. I said that if it was anything to do with a bag left on the tube that was was mine. He just looked at me and said "you f*cking t1t. The station manager is gonna wanna word with you." Then got on his walkie talkie and said that he'd found the "prat" that had "f*cked everything up".

Kev: But they let you off? What did the station manager say?

Paul: He called me some nasty things. "idiot", "stupid" and "idiot" again. Then reminded me hopw foolish I was and to think myself lucky they hadnt performed a controlled explosion and to be more careful in future.

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