Thursday, August 11, 2005

Alone in Kyoto

I applied for time off to return to Australia in October for my closest friend's wedding and my grandmother's 80th birthday. My boss effectively said no to my taking leave for four reasons:

1. October is a busy time.
2. Someone else is off in that month… (although it’s not on our internal spreadsheet)
3. I don’t have as much hols as I thought I did because I started in March, so I'm only on a pro rata basis.
4. Three weeks is only granted under exceptional circumstances. (Although Golden Boy had three weeks to go to Australia earlier this year. But he is Golden Boy.)

Must acknowledge boss's brilliant handling of this matter. He sent me an email, telling me to talk to HR about my entitlements. He then came up to speak to me, informing me of said email. As he spoke he didn’t break his stride, but continued walking past my desk, racing to finish what he wanted to say without having to actually stop and address me face on. This put me in the position of hurrying after him as he spoke his peace, my bags still on my shoulder and my seat not yet pressed upon. After completing his soliloquy, which was in effect to read the email, he then turned and walked away as a means of ending this conversation effectively dismissing me from his company, with words unspoken still in my throat. In subtle ways such as this, one can make another seem inferior. Take note.

To appease me he is putting one of case studies on the Wall of Fame. It means nothing. What do I care for this wall of fame? Famous to whom? Firstly it’s only seen by my colleagues. Secondly, my name isn’t on it. Thirdly, it’s not even a wall. More a temporary flimsy partition. They should call it the Internal Temporary Partition of Obscurity and Corporate Obfuscation.

My ticket home is via Tokyo, and I hoped to spend some time there. If I can't get the dates I want, I may have to come straight home. So want have the experience that that Air song, Lost in Translation and my header promises. Now I can't stop listening to it.

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