Tuesday, August 30, 2005

So close to you

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but
they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson

SW4 festival - Not great but I'm too stubborn to admit that it was shite and a waste of squids. Perhaps it was the fact that there were so many of us and noone could agree which tent or stage to be at. The girls were coke slags while Enguin (Penguin without the P) was drunker than Ireland. G talked about football, drug exploits, and football again.

Popped and was ill within the hour. Completely twisted. But things were good at this stage.

The world tightened up like a yoyo on a string that got shorter and shorter. Why did we leave the festival so early? Don't think I saw one act!

Our legs somehow carried us to Inigo where we seemed to stand on the spot again. I bought a round of drinks. G popped again.

After one drink the scene got ugly. King hid his skeleton face behind his Top Gun glasses. The girls powdered their noses again and again. G's eyes and mouth widened to scary proportions as he blagged on about DJs not being as good as they once were, back in the summer of love.

Suddenly, after a mere hour, it was time to go again.

Back to Steph's. Stomach burning got worse and worse. Eyes dilated and unable to focus/point in same direction. Roving about my head like saucers. Head kept dropping. G was convinced that my drink was spiked. He stroked my arms and held me as my head turns into a lead balloon, my eyelids heavy/heart not beating in a steady rhythm. Why am I so floppy and down when everyone else is on the up? I had one drink and I'm sicker than all the drug demon friends.

When at the stage that no longer able to open eyes. G holds my forehead and whispers 'I feel so close to you' as I vomit steadily into the bowl. Want to be alone to be sick, but too sick to ask him to leave. The fear starts. Have I been poisoned? Would someone really spike my drink? Why can't I talk? Why can't I see?

King got the fear that there was a monster in the cupboard.

"Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?"

Slept in strange bed. Woke up to unusual scene. Party waxed and waned as I slumbered. Fights had been fought and won and lost. Tears had been shed, and laughter barked. Joints had been smoked and cards lost. Secrets shared and pacts made. All the best stuff happens when I'm asleep.

Couldn't wait to get home.

"What? No. We can't stop here. This is bat country."

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