Sunday, July 03, 2005

What do guys think?

The latest mystery to add to the 'What is a guy thinking when he...?' list, I have to add:

What was a certain boy thinking when he went to a stags night at a strip club on Saturday and txted me that there wasn't enough intellectual conversation? This is followed up by the mysterious, presumably drunken txt - 'you're the absolute bomb. fa reel'. (Is that English?)

I should be flattered that he was thinking about me while watching pole dancers but I find it a little disturbing on various levels. Shouldn't he just be enjoying the moment and not texting me a blow by blow (oof, bad pun) account of his sordid night? Or maybe he was trying to set himself apart from his mates as being more than another seedy red-blooded male. I know that. He has nothing to prove.

If I was at a strip club on a hen's night, would I txt him? Only to brag about how many dancing dollars I put in their g-strings with my teeth! No, that's not true. I would feel just as uncomfortable, bored, turned off at this showy display of titillation, and a certain level of repulsion towards the whole scene as he did. I would probably feel the need to reach out and txt someone about it too.

Why am I so cynical? Because if there are that many men that hate strippers and strip clubs as they claim, why is there an industry? If I had a dollar for everytime I heard a man say he didn't like that sort of stuff, I would be earning a lot more than I do stripping for men.

In more news from home, Mum said that the floods had her trapped for a while because the river nearby and the creek in her yard actually joined cutting her off from the world. But she loved the chaos of it, I think. Loads of wild river birds came and swam in the billabong. Some long lost and forgotten piece of furniture was suddenly burped up from the depths, and then strewn up to her door as some sort of slimey offering from the river gods. This heavy wooden chair was lost five years ago and it’s a mystery how it ended up at the bottom of the creek.

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