Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Everyday I love you less and less

Cockend strikes again He doesn't deserve the air-time but I'm giving it to him anyway. Maybe it's all one of his PR ploys to get more mention on my blog.

In the interests of transitioning to friendship, the boy called me up for a drink at the pub with him and his flatmate. As long as we're chaperoned, I thought we'd be alright. Once his flatmate left, we went for a walk along Canary Wharf, by the river and the shiny rich buildings. It was on the escalator to the tube that he put his hand under my jacket, grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the lips. And I let him. Weak! Lame! It's true. So we were both weak, seeking comfort. It happens. it's not the end of the world. Exes make mistakes all the time.

The next night, in the interests of sorting out the mess made by kisses on escalators the night before, the boy called me up for a drink at the pub for a 'talk'. I get to the pub and his 'in the closet' friend Skinner is there. Skinner takes one look at me and his face drops, in that way that says 'oh no, they're back together' before he has a chance to disguise it. Meanwhile, I'm wondering why he wanted to meet to 'talk' and invite his friend along.

So we're all chatting about innane nonsense. Skinner has just given notice - which is why he was there drinking with G so early in the evening. Skinner keeps saying he is going to leave to update his CV, and G convinces him to stay. I plan on finishing my pint and leaving. Dinner is ordered. Finally I make to leave, and the boys are leaving too.

So far all is good. G and I have spent an evening together as mates and not ended up in bed or kissing. Skinner and I have been amicable to each other.

It's G's birthday this weekend, just before slipping off to bed I send him a text 'are you planning anything for your birthday?'

2 hours later - 11.30pm (30 mins pub closing time for those on the uptake) I'm sound asleep when the phone rings. George stonkered. The drunken tirade starts. Some highlights:

* You must realise that Skinner doesn't like you. And you just played along. You're so narrow-sighted you can't see that he's manipulating you to make you look bad in front of me, because he doesn't like us together. He's in the closet and has a problem with me having a girlfriend.

* Fuck off puppy dog.

You know what, the rest isn't worth transcribing or relating. It was just evil and cruel. I told him to fuck off, i'm not his girlfriend anymore and don't have to put up with that shit, or be judged for how I act among his friend. I believe I said that I never wanted to hear another cunting word he said. He sent 2 apology texts, an apology email and then called me last night from a different phone line so I'd answer to give me another apology and explanation. It's too late. We had fun, and there were good times, but he's so unpredictable and he can turn on people so quickly, that I know the best thing to do would be never want to see him again. Of course, whether this happens or not is difficult to say, but I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to see him.

Next post will be on the better positive new friends in my life. Just too busy today to relate it all.

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