Monday, March 06, 2006

Kooky new cast of characters

I promised some positive news on new friends so here goes:

Rob Lovely designer chap that I've spent almost the full weekend with. I bought him a book of paper animal templates and he came over and made me the monkey (my favourite), the giraffe and the hippo. We went to Primrose Hill on the weekend, where you can see most of London. Then off to the posh pubs, where we didn't get served for 15 minutes and were charged £3 for a coke and a water, to which Rob said 'cock off, London scum. That's fooked' in his lovely, lilting Northern accent.
* Scary when angry.
* Unusually loud voice.
* Owns 80 pairs of trainers.

Paul 'Peapod' as we call him because he has a green coloured jumper and couldn't be bothered correcting some dimwit in a photo lab that changed his name to 'pod'. He's great for strange non-sequitors or saying exactly what he thinks. Once couldn't be bothered having a shower so sprayed himself with Febreeze, then went to the pub and told us all.
* Asked 'What if fish had hair, could it swim?'. Us: Depends on how much hair. Him (earnestly): 'What if it was really hairy?'.
* Can't be trusted to operate a toaster without burning down the house.
* Thought there was an African Ocean.

Kevin The boy with the Green ninja Kawasaki. Damn cool taste in music. Has ridden around Europe and written a book about it, but won't set foot in an airplane.
* Partner in crime to Pod.
* Most common phrase: 'look at me'.
* Thought olives were a type of fish.

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