Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Silver linings

Yes, I've been slack on the blogging - but then I've been good on the living!

So what's new - well I'm enjoying my new gaff - the location is handy to everything, there's a lot more going down at my doorstep, and my room feels more me than the last empty place did (despite my best efforts with a paintbrush).

I've bought tickets to see Sisters of Mercy(!).

The gym has paid off. I've lost 3 more inches on my waist and hips. Still got booty though. That ain't shifting, and that's OK. Was pleased to buy jeans 3 sizes smaller! Yay me!

Looks like I may get a holiday after all, to beautiful Chamonix with Pod, for some lovely, lovely snow and loads of scrummy French wine and food... oh la la.

Got a job interview tomorrow, but it's in Uxbridge. Although I've had 2 other promising and exciting leads in London town... one is PR for this company and the other is journalism for an online financial tech new site.

The friends - I'm pretty close to the OC and his swag of friends now - so decided to back off any romance plans for the short term with any of them. I really want a group of good friends more than anything else.

Steph and that crew - nothing from the people I've spent the best part of a year with. But I figure they aren't my friends anymore, anyway. Yawn, it's all so high school and stupid, dropping contact with friends because of a break up. FFS!

Boy sitch - blissful silence from George after he sent me a confusing Valentine's and made noises about missing me and being unsure what he wants again, only to take it all back. It's not what I want at all - to get back with that louse - and yet I still felt a bit conflicted and jerked around and let down after the 5 days of mixed messages. I think he's realised that it's not fair, and he's made an effort to stop.

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