Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Detox, hetox, retox, take stock

Avoid everyone in January. It's detox gone mad in the mid-winter, post-Christmas, mega gut bloat, crisis management. Can't go anywhere without hearing people bang on about detoxing, the evils of alcohol and white bread, colonic irrigation. Boring!

What people are giving up for New Years:

1. Fags - Irritable bastards, spark up before someone lamps you.
2. Booze - Nothing like sobriety to realise how boring your existence is.
3. White bread - Freud would say that eating brown bread is a manifestation of repressed racism.
4. Sex - Some people chose celibacy while others, namely you, have it thrust upon them. Saying you give it up puts you back in charge.
5. Caffeine - WAKE UP! Probably nodded off before making it to number 5.

What people are starting for New Years:

1. Journals/blogs - Lasts till January 9
2. Gym memberships - Lasts till January 6

Hate to count myself in that number, but I have given up booze for January. I consider it forced savings. After a month I will have saved enough for a holiday - maybe in the snow - and be feeling healthy and fit for it.

But I haven't been able to give up troublesome relationships. G and I met last night, and I was psyched up for a break up, expecting some kind of battle. Instead he acted like a sweetie pie, ignored all the drama of last week, bought me dinner and profusely apologised for being so strange. It's so damn frustrating that such a nice guy can have such intense mood swings. I'm sure Charlie has a lot to do with it.

Things are so complex, messy and intense. He really gets such dark moods and seems to push things as far as he can. He once said that everything was 'ash and destruction'.

Maybe it comes down to Chinese star signs. I'm a rabbit - timid, trusting, affectionate and naive: Stupid. He's a cheeky monkey that enjoys throwing shit at everything. Well, sometimes the shit sticks.

My favourite site of the day: overheard in the office

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Palo Alto, California

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