Friday, January 27, 2006

And the dead eyes opened

I'm entering a new phase in life: single in Brixton. It feels like I've lost a shedload of friends, instead I'm going to meet a whole lot more. Always feel so nostalgic when moving, looking at the detritus of my life, the stuff you have kept and forgotten, the stuff you leave behind.

Credit due to Keoshi for this beautiful photograph, found on Reality Photography

So George has been given the old heave-ho. The last post sums up the event, as it happened. No real surprises. We'd been having problems for a while - for almost the entire course of the roller coaster ride. I tried to end it 3 weeks ago, and got talked around. Then he ended it on Monday.

He's played the friendship card with the caveat of time and space first. I haven't taken him up on the offer. He said too many negative things about me, and I don't think I can handle that much negativity and criticism from a friend. He often accused me of things I didn't do, and was jealous and critical of friends he'd never met.

Disappointing that he didn't really know me as a person. I suppose that he missed out in the end. In the end it was all about him and his needs, he always talked over the top of me. Even on Monday when most people would listen to the other and let them vent, he just barrelled on over me and banged on about the 'spark' being gone.

Perhaps if he hadn't completely controlled the situation, and denied me the right to be myself and relaxed, the spark wouldn't have died. If he had just given me some air, some respect.

He says 'it will be different as a friend. it won't happen'. But that's not the point. I know the face, I know him too well to handle that sort of friendship.

There's also the mood swings, and the general coldness and distance from him and his group of friends.

I called Steph and left a teary message on her voice mail on Monday night. No response. A one line email the next day, after I asked her if she got my message, which read: "I don't want to be involved. That is why I did not reply".

Fair enough, I don't want you, or anyone else to be involved, but a 'hope you're ok' would have been nice. If she'd been in my situation and called me in tears because Ry had dumped her at piccadilly tube station in front of hundreds of commuter, I would have said 'i'm thinking of you'. Is that getting involved? Where I come from, we call it showing concern. Having a heart that does more than pump coke around their fucked up selfish brains.

Nah, I'm getting off the love highway ride for a while, and there's no detour in friendship land either for the others. Their loss.

While I'm feeling bitter and full of vitriole,love this Holy Moly site. Noone whinges like the Brits!

Kate Moss: That most enduring totem of empty trendiness, Kate Moss. She has been feted as the face of a decade and an icon for a generation and yet despite being in the public eye for 15 years she has yet to provide a single memorable, interesting comment. Not one utterance beyond the banal. A happy accident of bone structure has earned her a life of glittering jetsetting privilege. She is the epitome of style over substance. I am so bitter. CUNT.

Kirsten Dunst: If I go to watch a film, I don't expect to have the female lead looking like a fucking teacher's pet vampire-toothed scraggy-haired teen whore. I also object to your difficult-to-spell German name. I hereby rename you Dirty Kuntz.

Whale in the Thames: Get Satellite Navigation you stupid cunt, it's 2006.

Keyboard Heroes: people who think getting the last word in during an argument about Star Wars on a fucking Cradle of Filth message board, or some other wank message board, consitutes some sort of "victory". Shut the fuck up! You are a fucking cunt! "Winning" an internet argument is nothing to be roud of champ, like wanking to fat porn or owning an East 17 tape from back in the day, be ashamed cocksniffer, bragging about it just solidifies the fact that you're probably still a virgin.


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