Monday, February 06, 2006

Doesn't rain, but flood

Overwhelmed by emails this morning.

It's been an amazing weekend, and I'm a bit too overwhelmed to write. Just got asked on a date. It's not the boy that I like. It's his good mate. I'm still a bit thrilled. Not sure what to say either.

What's more, I thought I'd asked someone out and it turned out he didn't realise.

Bon says:
i am crap at these things. i tried to remember when you turned me down that time and emulate that.

Bored to tears says:
When did I turn you down?

Bon says:
When? Last year sometime i asked you to a film and you turned me down. now i'm really embarrassed.
Bored to tears says:
I didn't turn you down, I just hate going to the cinema. You don't have to be embarressed

Bon says:
well, i took it as you not being interested in a date and let it lie. and you can't even remember!
Bored to tears says:
nah, I can remember, I just didn't realise. You know me well enough to know I'm hopeless at picking up on things. Sorry. Are you gonna hit me in the back of the head?

Bon says:
Too busy hitting my forehead against monitor
Bored to tears says:
You wanna see pics of my new bike?

Bon says:
heh, that's your answer for any awkward social situation now, isn't it.
Bored to tears says:
yeah, there was a lull in the convresation yesterday so I plugged it by shpowing Maria a pic of my bike.

Bon says:
Bored to tears says:
like ice

Bon says:
feel really jittery now. you didn't realise, i've turned down rob. it's all too much for 30 mins work.
Bored to tears says:
erm, you wanna see a pic of my bike

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