Sunday, February 13, 2005

Snowy morning

Woke up to a snowy morning. For some reason rain is depressing but snow makes me happy.

It was a sign. The phone rang. It was mum. First time I've heard her voice in a few months. Then, only half an hour later, my sister calls. Great to hear from people, esp when I'm all alone in a cold house the day before Valentines.

Snowing in Wijk bij Duurstede, the view from my bedroom Posted by Hello

The view from front of house Posted by Hello

The sun came out and I decided to go on a bike ride. But, about 10mins later, the sun decided it was just teasing me and the rain started. Then the snow. Then the wind. It was bloody cold and I was soaked to the skin. Powering on in the name of fitness and trimming down and feeling like NutriGrain girl. I've said it before, but it still amazes me, my jeans froze to my thighs. I had to pry them off with hot water. How do the locals do it?

Managed to take some snaps of the giant river gates thingys, which I thought would impress the boys. Looks cool. It is bloody big. No idea how it works.

Dutch Watergate Posted by Hello

It was just too cold so I decided to head back, when I came across this view of the mill, which looks close to the famous Dutch master painting (even if it isn't the same mill).

Dutch Master view of Mill Posted by Hello

Jacob van Ruisdael - Mill Wijk bij Duurstede Posted by Hello

When I got back, the mill was open for tourists, so I went up. Notice that the sun is out. It didn't last.




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