Saturday, February 12, 2005

Dolly Doctor

Casualties of childhood. The ones that didn't make it.Posted by Hello

Saturday - Amsterdam

Wandered about Joordan - the funky area of Amsterdam. It was a lot like Surry Hills, gay district with cool boutiques and offbeat shops. Kitsch Kitchen is the more famous, with nauseating bright colours and plastic tackarama. Like that line in The Simpsons' "The tragically ludicrous, the ludicrously tragic".

My favourite, of course, was the creepy Doll Doctor - which is like a mechanics workshop for dolls. Instead of engines and spark plugs, the place is full of doll limbs and doll heads. I sneaked some photos. Weirdly, the place is quite serious and people go in with their childhood Beloved Baby Mary-Sue or Inga and the "Doctor" assesses the damage under these giant magnifying glasses and some other specialised doll medical equipment. "Just as I thought, Luisa's arm was ripped out and then shoddily stuffed back in by your little brother. I'm going to have to amputate." Very weird. Reminds me of when I cut the hair off my Barbie.

Freaky doll heads Posted by Hello

The locals eat whole raw herrings. And you thought the Dutch were weird.

Fancy a herring? Posted by Hello

Amsterdam house and Amsterdam houseboat - how the other half live Posted by Hello

Anne Frank Posted by Hello

Not sure what the Duck means. I think he can read your thoughts, or sumthin.

Quack, quack. I'm wearing a hat.Posted by Hello

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