Thursday, May 25, 2006

Office depression

Wish I knew how to post music on to this blog, cause someone sent me a funny forward about the office environmenet.

This blog is about London again - and this pressure to up the pace here, and really milk this opportunity for all it’s worth. This visa is a stickler. I’m only here for an indefinite amount of time and I feel this pressure to always enjoy the whole abroad experience. It's not always like that. The holiday spirit has almost dies, and I'm left having to be responsible and sign a lease, take over bills, manage a house etc. Also, I'm not playing with the bad crowd anymore and going out to clubs. Instead I'm an office drone, feeling guilty about a mid-week drink, and trying to earn enough to cover the bills.

OK - time out, girl, stop sweating the small stuff and start aggressively pursuing your dreams:

1. A glitzy career - Fake it until you make it.

2. a big fat holiday in south america

3. a nest egg saving to return with - and never feel dependent on anyone again.

I want to be counted. I want to be passionate. I want to be RICH.

I hate my job. the positive is I'm being given an opportunity to help configure and contribute to the external blog. My goal, while over here, was to build up my resume so I can take home industry-based experience. But I don't think I'm ruthless enough, to wear the suit and be cut-throat. Whatever, because I didn't get any of the jobs I've gone for and i'm stuck as a serf in a marketing firm.

Yet an ex colleague has passed on my CV anyway to her new boss - and I could become PR bitch soon!

But my heart is just not in it. It still amazes me that millions of people go into a building and shuffle papers everyday and somehow it means something. These things that are so urgent will be forgotten in a week.

Take a step back, and the office is like a play. It has its own set of dramas, which are completely out of touch with the real world and they distract us from what's going on in politics, or world strife etc. The office has its own set of characters. the bitchy villainous back-stabber, the despot boss, the hapless clerk, the lovers tryst etc...

I'm so fucking bored.

blog of the day:

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