Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Update on Brixton

My hopes were too high. The house fell through at the final hour with one of the flatmate's friends moving in instead. It's been hard blogging lately because I used to do it first thing but transport has been stuffing me around so I get in late.

Been busy with not only finding a new room, but finding a replacement for my old room, so i can get my deposit back.

Some highlights of last week.

Had our work Xmas party last week. Managed to get ridiculously drunk after only 2 monster glasses of wine and did 3 things:
* Moaned on to HR about everything that I hate: Brixton house, London in general, work, my position in the company, my boss, my shoes and all life on earth.
* Got chatted up by ugly 'jug eared' DJ who held my hand when I put in a request, and didn't let go for a good 10 mins. Too pissed to be bothered moving away.
* Ran away from the police as they cautioned me for being 'drunk and incapable'.

Despite hang over I managed to get out to a club on Friday night in Brixton, where I managed to accidentally lose all G's drqs. £40 of marching powder and a couple of blue puppies. Still, there was more than enough for him to not be able to point his eyes in the same direction for a few hours. Ended back with the Searles Rd crew, with Ry and others, dancing to bad house and singing Oasis tunes when Ash brought out guitar. Occasionally one of the Aussies would ask for Midnight Oil, Crowded House or You Am I only to have Ash turn his relentless saucer plate pupils and gurning jaw to us, before launching into Beatles, Oasis, Beatles, Oasis blah blah blah. Fun night. Ash is a little scary.

Got a creepy comment from Anonymous comment. Own up, time to 'fess who you are. Otherwise I'm going to fancy that you are a talent scout about to cut me a book deal, or a psycho stalker about to cut me like a chicken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the house but at least that means you'll get my letter!