Monday, August 14, 2006

Is bad luck a virus?

From the Claire - "It's been ages since I heard from you and no blog updates either, I notice!! I'm hoping that this actually means all is going well as I know it's way easier to write a lot when one is angsty ; )"

And yeah, that's why i'm blogging again. OK - It's not all doom and gloom. I just came back from a fabulous holiday in Greece and the whole time I tried to be positive and happy. It was gorgeous and lovely, lots of beaches and sunshine.

However, there's no point in fighting it, I have had a rash of bad luck lately. All I can do is shrug and roll with the punches.

1. My flatmates accidentally forwarded me an email where they bitched about me, called me a 'miserable twat' that looks like I was 'seriously abused as a child'. They have plotted to vote me out of the house. It was a lot of bother and heartache from a pair of chippy bitches. I have been a great flatmate - i always tidy up after myslef and them, never complain about all their shit, and have gone out of my way to make it a nice place to live. But yeah, sometimes i don't want to go to the pub with them and get wankered, esp. mid-week. sometimes i like to read a book instead or go for a jog. I confronted them about it, and they are acting pretty sorry and cheery, but now I don't trust them and I hate feeling uncomfortable where I live. Unwelcome in my house. Chippy little bitches with sharp tongues.
2. Not to dwell on that nastiness, I went on holiday with George, but my bag didn't come with me. Incompetent baggage handlers didn't put my bag on the plane. This is the 3rd time this has happened to me! (the bright side - i could get some money from insurance!) Four days of wearing a soggy, baggy, over-priced bikini bought at the local super market.
3. An agency rejected taking on my HSMP visa application case. Pretty gutting to think all your achievements and training would not be "granted points", count for nothing in this system. Bright side - going to apply directly and avoid the agency. If i'm rejected, my company will sponsor me. I just didn't want to be tied down. What if i want to go home next year?
4. I bought 2 tickets for £7.20 from a train ticketing machine, but £50 has been taken from my account. To reverse this, I have to send the tickets - that i no longer have as they are in the ticket machine - and a copy of my bank statement to some office in Norwich (where? exactly!) and wait a certain amount of time for some over-paid officials to assess whether something went wrong. "To assess exactly what you THINK you purchased." Just gimme back my money, cunts.
But at this stage, it's just one more on the pile of bad luck. I'm not even that angry or surprised, more resigned that I've picked up some kind of bad luck virus. Must mitigate my risks until the spate is finished. Must not mention any of this to the bitchy flatmates as it's fuel for their fire.
5. Spoke to home to hear a wave of bad news family-related. It's nothing to do with me, but I feel slightly responsible for what's happening - like my bad luck is rubbing off on others. And I'm too busy, too far away, and maybe too selfish picking up after my own life to help them. Yep. Maybe my flatmates are right.

Despite this, I'm determined to not let the post-holiday glow disappear so quickly. "Good feeling, won't you stay with me just a little longer."

Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear the luck has changed for shoe-boy. His got himself a girlfriend while I was on holiday. Good for him. About time.